5 Best Adsense optimized blogger template
We all know that one of the best way to make money from web is through adsense. Adsense is the most popular online advertising company and the earnings you get for adsense are based on the clicks you receive. Even if you have millilons of visitors and you doesn’t gets any click, Your earning will be still locked in $0.00. In adsense, All matters is how much clicks you are getting, Keywords and other things like your Pages rankings, CTR etc. The clicks you get will be based on where you place the ads, The color scheme of your template, the source of your visitors etc. The most important and most working trick to improve the adsense CTR is by placing the ads with accordance to the heat-maps provided and selecting the perfect theme for your blog and color scheme for your ads.
So, To boost your adsense earnings, You need to have not only good contents and visitors but also a nicely optimized theme too. Here is a list of the Top 5 and Best Blogger templates that are optimized for adsense in accordance with their placement guides and heat maps, so as to get the maximum clicks for your ads.
NB: The list is not in any order or ranks. Here I’m listing some of the best themes – That’s all !!
5) Adsense ready theme ;-
Adsense ready theme is a clean adsense optimized theme where you can ads on all the places which are optimized for maximum CTR. Not highly optimized or filled with ads, so this theme also gives your site a clean look. You just want to install the theme and change the pub code, and your ads will start showing.
4) BlueSense Blogger template
This is a heavily adsense optimized blogger template which include many ad-spots and place ads as to get maximum number of clicks. It includes most of the ads in the primary fold itself and even-though very good for earning, It could destroy the view, standered and quality of your blog. But thinking in the Bussiness way, It’s quite profitable and you will get the maximum click
3.Prosense Blogger template;-
Blogger template created to get maximum number of clicks ! This is a well known WordPress template and was converted to blogger. It has a simple and fast loading style and had been optimized for blogger so as to get maximum CTR and revenue
2.Adsense Tech Blogger template
Yet another good looking blogger template which is highly optimized for adsense and to get more clicks. This theme will make your site look good and also helps you to turn your website into a money making machine !
1.Ads Theme
One of the most popular Adsense blogger template which has got both adsense placement and quality professional look. It will give you the maximum revenue from your blog and also will give it a stylish and professional look. I recommend this theme to all fellow bloggers since design is also much important in blogging.
We made this list so that those who are looking for adsense blogger templates or Blogger template optimized for adsense could get to this and find the one best suiting for their blogs. We hope that this list will help you to get a new adsense blogger template and increase your clicks and revenue !
Thank You